How to write reviews ?

by covenly1

Writing reviews for is so easy to do, as it is just as if 'we' were all sitting around the table, sipping coffee, and discussing our various experiences with different companies, travels, places to buy that we did or did not enjoy, discussing our new appliances that we either enjoy or do not like at all!

We all enjoy chatting with friends about experiences we have had that shocked us, that were delightful, that we want our 'friends' to enjoy, as well.
That is how you write a review. Just consider the readers to be your 'friends' and that you are only explaining your experiences with ANYTHING! You need not be an accomplished writer to write for You just need to write as well as you are able, and to share your experiences, helping the rest of us to get great deals, and to stay clear of bad ones!
I love sharing experiences with people. This is my way to do it. Help others make the right decision for themselves, by letting them know how YOU believe an item or travel, or anything else was experienced by you!

It is far better to be warned, ahead of time, against BAD experiences, than for each of us to experience the same bad experiences, because no one warned us!
If you have not written for this review site, start today, and understand you are helping everyone by doing it. Just pretend it is coffee time at the neighbor's home, and we are all just chatting. You CAN write. Everyone CAN write. We appreciate all you have to tell us! I hope my writing has helped some people. That is what it is all about: People helping people! Easy to do, and worth more than you can imagine to all of us!

by Lorianna

Writing for is fun and easy, but there are some points to remember. Here is what you need to keep in mind:

* The most important thing: No plagiarizing. Do not try to make a few quick bucks by copying someone else’s review and trying to sell it here. It will only get your account banned. Any part of the text that is not yours but cut & pasted from somewhere else will be detected.

* The second most important thing: You must write for Reviewstream exclusively. This means that the reviews you submit CANNOT BE PUBLISHED ANYWHERE ELSE, not even on your own website. If you have written a bunch of reviews for some other place and you think of re-submitting them here, DON’T. Reviewstream does not want duplicated content.

* Do not re-use parts of your own old reviews. Even if you are reviewing very similar items, each new review must be a fresh, original piece. Do not cut & paste parts of your old work, Reviewstream views this as self-plagiarizing.

* On to more specific things. Each review begins with the title. Selecting a proper title is not at all hard: all you need to do is to put in the full name of the product/place you are reviewing. Avoid vague titles like “Night Creme” or “Good Inexpensive Hotel.” Be specific. “Nivea Visage Wrinkle Reducer Night Creme” and “Plaza Hotel in Paris, France” is what Reviewstream wants.

* Location. If you are reviewing a place (restaurant, hotel, water park), include its exact address in your review, it is very helpful for the reader. If you do not know the address, make an effort to get it. Usually, you can easily find the address of any business in online yellow pages.

* Your thoughts and opinions are what makes your review especially valuable. The readers like to see exactly why you liked (or hated) the particular product / place. Did you enjoy the quality of the soap but not the scent? Tell us so. Do you think there was too much bad language in the movie? Write about it. Was the waitress exceptionally helpful and polite? Don’t forget to mention it. You don’t have to write a very long review, but be specific and make sure to share your opinion.
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