Movies Reviews

Movie Alvin and the Chipmunks

Growing up we would hear about this crazy cartoon called Alvin and the Chipmunks. There were cartoons on television, there were records made with these three adorable little creatures and the nation just could not get enough of them
This past Christmas season there was a movie called Alvin …

Movie 61

We saw a baseball movie the other night about Roger Maris and the immortal Mickey Mantle who took on Babe’s Ruths homerun record.
This movie wascalled 61, and the two yankee players Mickey Mantle the new favorite of the yankee fans and the new comer on the field the …

Movie Scent of a Woman

I’ve seen plenty of Al Pacino films but Scent of a Woman is easily my favorite.
Even though I originally thought this was going to be a comedy, I was pleasantly surprised with the drama. Pacino plays a blind retired soldier (who we learn became blind because he screwed up) …

Movie Hair Spray

Some musicals are entertaining to watch and may even be funny. In the case of the movie Hair Spray, you also have a movie that is very fun to watch.
I’m not sure which was more interesting, watching John Travolta dancing and singing in a fat suit and high heels …

Movie Exorcist

One of the spookiest movies that we have ever seen was the original Exorcist. In this movie it hit on everything that would scare you.
There is this young girl who travels with her mother to live in Washington D.C., the house that they move into in Georgetown …

Are We Done Yet movie

As far as movies are concerned, having a family moving into a house that is falling apart has been done so many times it’s hard to count. I mean, haven’t people heard of The Money Pit yet?
Are We Done Yet isn’t anything I haven’t seen before and, other than …

Sdtrange Wilderness movie

My son and I went to see a movie this evening. I have to say this was one of the worst movies I have seen in a long long time. My son enjoyed the movie,he thought it was funny.
The movie centered around a a group of men, who …

The Lake House movie

The Lake house is a movie starring Sandra Bullok and Keanu Reeves. This was an enjoyable fim a bit farfethced but enjoyable all the same.
It seems that Keanu Reeves lived in the house on the Lake, and through some mysterious way he starts to receive mail from …

The Land Before Time: The Great Day of the Flyers

My daughter has never watched any of the Land Before Time movies before. So, when she picked out one of the newer movies in the series “The Great Day of the Flyers,” I was skeptical about her watching even a few minutes of it.
However, I found she actually enjoyed …

Dances With Wolves

We like Kevin Costner as an actor and we saw Dances With Wolves last week. Even after all these years this is still an excellent movie.
Kevin Costner plays a civil war hero who is disenchanted with the status of hero that he received and requested that he be …

Movie Predator

There is this movie starring Arnold Schwarzenegger long before he became the Governer of California, it was called the Predator.
This movie is thrilling and exciting. Arnold stars as asoldier of fortune who is assigned with his elite force to seek out a lost group of soldiers. He finds …

The Shining (movie)

I love stephen King books, and I really like when they turn them into movies. We watched the Shining on Saturaday the one with JAck Nicholson in it.
it was such a spooky movie, here is this family that you realize that they are having a hard time …

Adventures of a Teenaged Drama Queen

When we first saw previews for the movie Adventures of a Teenaged Drama Queen, we thought it would be a somewhat funny movie. Turns out it was actually quite dull.
Unless you like seeing a teenaged Lindsay Lohan in a tight red dress, there really isn’t much value to this …

Saw IV movie

I wasn’t a big fan of the Saw movies when they first came out but they eventually grew on me. However, after watching Saw IV, I have to say it’s time to bring the franchise to an end.
Jigsaw dies in Saw III, along with his accomplice so you would …

Keeping the Faith movie

As far as movies are concerned, I’m not really sure if Keeping the Faith is a good one or just slightly above average. I’m leaning toward the latter but feel Ben Stiller carries it a bit further than that. Without him, I don’t think this movie would be even …

Carandiru (R, 2004) movie

It’s amazing how much of a learning tool Netflix has been for me. I rented “Carandiru” without ever hearing about the inmate/police riot that occurred in October of 1992. I know that I wasn’t really up on world events during that time. But knowing …

The Outer Limits : “Second Soul” episode

I rented the Outer Limits : Death and Beyond series because I’m truly a creepy person. I’ve always loved the Twilight Zone and Tales from the Darkside. So, I thought that this would be a natural DVD choice for someone like me. Boy was I …

Life Support (NR, 2006) movie

I will admit that I was a little apprehensive about seeing this movie. At first I didn’t realize that Nelson George developed this film which was based on his sister’s battle with being diagnosed as HIV-positive. Starring Queen Latifah in the lead role, I …

Jezebel (movie)

Jezebel is a movie about a woman, Julie, and her relationships with different men. The amazing and legendary Bette Davis plays Julie, who often pretends to be coy and sweet and shy, but truly she is a selfish, terribly spoiled woman. The word jezebel often conjures up bad images …

My Big Fat Greek Wedding

I am Greek and when we saw the movie advertized for the MY Big Fat Greek Wedding. I had to watch this movie. It was hilarious.
While watching this movie I could see so many things that some of the people that I know related to this movie. …

Movie Master and Commander

We watched Russel Crowe the other night in a movie that came out a few years ago called Master and Commander.
Russel Crowe is another actor that I find does an extremely good job when he portrays charactors and acts. In this movie takes place during the Napoleonic …

Movie The Brave One (2007)

Starring Jodie Foster and Terrence Howard, this movie tells the story of one woman’s journey from Romance to Tragedy to Desperation to Revenge and finally to Peace.
Romance-Deeply in-love with her fiance and soon to be married, Jodie’s character feels secure in the relationship they have built with plans of …

Movie Fools Gold

Our Sunday afternoon was spent at the movies today. I like Matthew McConaughey and Kate Hudson This is a movie about a treasure hunt and it was quite good
Kate works as a stewart on a yacht owned by a multimillionaire, who agrees to stop in the Key …

Movie Man of the Year

I wasn’t sure what to think when they cast Robin Williams as a presidential candidate in the movie Man of the Year. But, after watching the film last night, I do think it is better than I expected it to be; though I’m not sure its his best film.
Williams …

Movie While you were sleeping

This week is valentine week and on telvisionall week the cable is promoting love stories. Many of these are sappy but what the heck, it is suppose to be romantic.
This monring I watched While you wer sleeping starring Sandra Bullock. She is just so attrative, and …

Movie The Postman

I’m not a huge Kevin Costner fan and I’m just as likely to leave one of his movies on the shelf of our local video store rather than go out of my way to watch it.
But, as far as his movies go, his film The Postman is actually better …

Movie The da Vinci Code

Tom Hanks as an actor is one fantastic person, he can make you believe anything. He is that good. I enjoy his films immensley and will go out of my way to view one that he is starring in. Ron Howard , little Opie from the …

The Shawshank Redemption

The Shawshank Redemption is a very good movie that may take you several times of watching before you really get all the little nuances that are going on. At least for me, that is what happened. I got the big picture right away, but it took several viewings to …


A movie that children and adults alike will enjoy is Gremlins. Gremlins are these little creatures that are fierce and scary and evolve, magically, from Mogwai. You see, the Mogwai are fine and lovable and rather like little teddy bears, unless they have water. Once the water gets on …

Facing the Giants film

It was just by chance that I saw the movie ‘Facing the Giants.’ On a Monday off from work I traveled to a theater nearly forty minutes away to see this movie that wasn’t playing in my local town. To my surprise this movie,for which I …

Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins

After seeing a preview of the new film Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins, I quickly assumed this was a ‘wait for dvd’ movie. Thanks to a lack of good movies in February, I decided to take a chance on this film. To my surprise this film was actually …

Shooter movie

I decided to watch “Shooter” because I knew that Mark Wahlberg had the leading role in this film. I really like his acting skills especially after watching him in films such as “The Perfect Storm”, “The Italian Job”, “The Kingdom” and in Martin Scorsese’s “The Departed”. I must admit …

Movie Godfather Part II

The Godfather series was great when it first came out in the early 1970’s and it is still a grat movie. I bought the triology for my son last year at Christmas and he is thrity years younger than me and he likes the movie.
The Godfather PArt …

Movie The Godfather

A classic movie was the Godfather, it was made in the early 1970’s and still has a power over audiences even today. It is one of those movies that will stand the test of time
Marlon Brando played Vito Corleone the patriacrh and GOdfather of the COrleone crime family. …

Movie Tootsie

Movies are a big part of my life and we, my son, my husband and I watch movies all the time. The other day we saw an old movie with Dustin Hoffman in it, the movies title was Tootsie.
In this movie was made in 1982 and Dustin …

Movie The Sixth Sense

M. Night Shyamalan is a driector of some strange movies. Yet when you see his films they are usually very good. I watched the movie starring Bruce Willis as Dr Malcom Crowe and Haley Osment as Cole Sear the little boy who see dead people.
Dr Malcom Crowe …

Movie Silence of the Lambs

Rob and I like movies, we like old movies and new ones each contains a quality that is unique to thereselves. I like food movies and thrillers one such movie is Silence of the Lambs.
In this movie there are two really good actors, Anthony Hopkins, portrays Dr …


Tom Hanks is one of my favorite movie stars. I usulaly like watching him perform with Meg Ryan, I saw him in a movie called Castaway where is co star was a volley ball named Wilson.
In this movie ToM Hanks plays a Federal Express executive who is set …

Storm Warning

Storm Warning is a movie full of blood, guts and gore. If you are not up for this sort of violence and horror, you do not want to watch Storm Warning! Sometimes I can really appreciate a good horror movie filled with all sort of blood and guts. Recently …

Forrest Gump

One of m all time favorite actors is Ton Hanks. He is just a great actor, and every movie that he is in you just want to see.
We saw the movie FOrest Gump and Tom Hanks portrayal of this challegned indivual is outstanding.
At the opening …

Return of the Jedi

In the third installment of the original Star Wars triology was the Return of the Jedi. I think that this was one exciting movie.
Our list of charachters return with Luke Skywalker now a full fledged Jedi, and part of him, his arm has been replaced with …

Die Hard

We like movies and we go to them alot. We also would rather watch a movie on TV rather than sit through many of the series that are presently available on TV.
I like to watch certain actors and one of them is Bruce Willis. In the …

Open Range

There are not that many western made these days and when you see one that is recent I normally like to see an actor that I appreciate.
I like Robert Duvall, and I like Kevin Costner and I adore Annette Beinning. A few years ago this western came …

Die Hard II

We like movies, a whole lot and that is one of our favorite pasttimes. There are movies that are today’s classics, these are the movies that you would not mind seeing again and again.
I personnally like Bruce Willis as an actor. When I saw the first …

The Guardian

Kevin Costner is one of my favorite actors. I will try to watch most of his movies. In the Guardian the co start is Ashton Kutcher, he is not one of the best actors out there, but Kevin was in this movie so I had to watch …

The Witness

I saw a 1985 movie this afternoon that I had not seen in years. It starred Harrison Ford and it was called the Witness
This story involves a young Amish woman, who has recently become widowed and her young son. After her husbands death, her fatherinlaw tells her to go …

Stir of Echos

Another one of my all time favorite actors is Kevin Bacon. There was a game out a few years ago called the Kevin Bacon game, in that game you would name movies or movie actors who were associated with or played in the same movies as Kevin Bacon. …


The movie Strays is an interesting look into a young man’s life and how his past still haunts him. Rick, played by Vin Diesel, is overcoming his past without knowing that he has to do so in order to move on and truly come of age. Rick is your …

Neve Been Kissed

I like Drew Barrymore, she has such a vitality that it just bursts off the screen. I saw a movie on TV the other night that she starred in. It was called Never Been Kissed.
This was a sweet movie about a 25 year old journalist who decided …

The Lion King

One of the best animated movies that we had seen in a long time was the film called the Lion King. This movie takes the viewer on a musical journay starting at the birth of the the young lion cub.
The cub Simba is Mufasa’s pride an joy. …

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