Movies Reviews

Spanglish movie

I am reviewing the movie, Spanglish, which came out last year. It stars Adam Sandler as John Clasky, who is an incredible chef and father of two children. His wife is played by Tea Leoni, who is an eccentric, emotionally disturbed woman trying to live life how …

The Gravedancers

The title of this movie, The Gravedancers is very scary already. I screamed like a mad woman on some really scary scenes. I would warn viewers out there to bring all your sweater jackets, shawl, some warm drinks and good peanuts as the more this movie gets …

The Hoax

This movie, The Hoax, is actually more catered to people with political interest in a story. There are about 3 characters in this movie. Clifford Irving, Howard Hughes and President Nixon, and it is based on a true story.
This movie firstly revolves around Clifford Irving, a writer, …

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End

Yes, Jack Sparrow is back. Johnny Depp has proved once again that he’s one of the best actors in the world. Why? Because he managed to achieve a good role in, maybe, one of the weakest plots and one of the worst directions in the history of the movie …

Siegfried & Roy: The Magic Box

My boyfriend loves watching IMAX movies so much, I couldn’t understand why. And so, I have watched Siegfried & Roy: The Magic Box with him before.
I admit that watching 3D movies are fun, and I have lots of nice and funny experiences while watching. The joy does …

Fantasia/2000 movie

The IMAX movie Fantasia/2000 was a blast with my little cousins. I brought both of my 2 darling cousins to watch this IMAX movie, and since both of them are 4 and 3 years respectively, they giggled throughout the movie, and really enjoyed it so much.
My most favorite …

Encounter in the 3rd Dimension

I watched this IMAX movie, called Encounter in the 3rd Dimension, with my boyfriend, and it was the darndest thing I’ve ever been to. Now, don’t get me wrong about the movie, though short, (but isn’t all IMAX movies supposed to be). I was fed up with …

Everest movie

It was a really fascinating and breathtaking experience watching the movie Everest on Imax. I watched it a few days back with a couple of old school friends, and two of us got teary eyed on some scenes of the movie. This is a very moving, inspiring …


WOW, I was so taken away, by the beautiful movie of Disturbia. It is a suspense thriller, and a lot of times caught me flinching on my seat.
This is a story of a teenager, called Kale, who has been sentenced to house arrest, for punching his teacher. …

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End

This trilogy sequel of Pirates of the Caribbean is called At World’s End. I watched it last week with my boyfriend, my sister and her boyfriend. My sister’s boyfriend and I were having sort of like a heated debate over this trilogy, and I just didn’t get …

Wild Hogs

This very hilarious movie, called Wild Hogs, is a box office hit in my country, and I managed to catch it as well.
I laugh my whole way through at the antics of a group of middle-aged friends, who decided to go on a motorcycling trip together. Their antics …

Georgia Rule

This movie Georgia Rule, is a very heartwarming movie about 3 generation ages. One is a grandma, a mother character, and last but not least, a grand-child. These 3 characters are played by Lindsay Lohan, Jane Fonda and my most favorite actress, Felicity Huffman. She is …


Waitress is a very good movie, and when I watched it, I enjoyed it. This is a movie about drama, and about people. How different characters in this life makes an impact on a pie-maker, acted by Keri Russell. She played the character Jenna.
Jenna wanted to …

Valley of the Wolves, Iraq

This Valley of the Wolves, Iraq is a movie of a different perspective. It is a foreign film, and has artistic elements to it. My friend brought me to watch this, and it lasts for about 2 hours and 2 minutes.
This movie is not about taking sides, …

Living The Dream

Another drama movie that I have watched would be Living the Dream. This is about making a change in life kind of story, but having some form of hindrance at the same time.
It tells about Brenda, and Jonathan, an immigrant person. Both of them grew up from …


Angel-A is the type of movie I would go for when watching a foreign type of movie. It is full of drama, romance, and forms of life in art form.
If you believe in angels, you would believe this story. I believe in angels, but don�t really believe …

Dance Party, USA

This movie I watch with my girl friends. It really questions friendship between the 3 of us, and we were then stumped afterwards. I know that the 3 of us each questions ourselves as to what we think of one another, and whether we have dirty secrets …


This movie, titled Shinobi, is about 1 hr and 56 minutes and I cried while watching. It tells a story of love, action and adventure, and there is also some violent images, so the rating R is there.
I am not sure why movies about war and romance always …

Maple Palm

This movie is quite full of drama genre. I watched it with my boyfriend last week. It is about a couple who are lesbians, but not only do they are looked down upon by society for their status, they also have a dirty little secret.
One of them …


I really get the wrong idea when I first watch Bug. I thought it is some kind of a horror movie or something, but when in the end I realized that this story is something like the genre of ‘art movie’, displaying about life, people and their characters, …

Mr. Brooks

I actually was so scared when I watch this movie. It seems like there could be a real story like this out there, and that made me so scared.
This movie is about Mr. Brooks, who is a successful businessman, having a family and a wife. He looks …

Knocked Up

This movie is about getting ‘knocked up’, and finding the truth. I watched this the other day and it was so darn hilarious, and only suitable for young adults and adults.
It is about a woman who went for a one night stand with a guy, and then got …

Ghost Rider

When I saw the preview to Ghost Rider, I was impressed. I am a fan of Nick Cage and at the time he had 2 movies soon to be released. The imagery of the Ghost rider was good, graphic and it really illustrated the concept; Rider for the devil. …

Erin Brockovich

Ok, I never would have thought that a movie about a slutty, foul mouthed unattractive mother of a litter of kids would have won an Oscar for anyone. Thank you academy for proving me wrong.
Erin Brockovich is down as my all time worst movie. If this woman …

Spiderman 3

I saw Spiderman 3 at a matinee the weekend after it opened. There had already been a ton of reviews stating just how horrible it was and that Sam Raimi is just a huge dissapointment with this one.
NEVER listen to critics. Always make your own decision when …

Shrek 3

I, having loved the first two Shrek films, was eagerly awaiting the third installment. All the trailers were extremely funny and enticing. And on opening weekend I was there, with my little Shrek and Puss I got from McDonalds and I was also wearing my green “I …

David Copperfield, 1999

This 1999 BBC movie is an excellent adaptation of “David Copperfield,” a novel that Charles Dickens referred to as his “favorite child” amongst his other works.
Packed with unforgettable Dickensian characters, this film tells the story of David, a boy born shortly after his father’s death. His mother Clara (Emilia …


“Thr3e,” released in 2007, is based on a popular novel by Ted Dekker. It is a fast-paced, well-made thriller with a big time surprise ending. Kevin Parson (Marc Blucas), a seminary student, receives a phone call from a stranger who demands that Kevin “confesses his sin” - or his …

Our Mutual Friend

This 1998 mini-series is based on a novel by Charles Dickens. Despite many subplots, Dickens usually focused on one large theme in each of his books and explored it in great detail. In this particular work, he looks into the subject of Money. Or, to define it better, Money …

Murder by Numbers

A high school stud and a high school nerd form an unlikely partnership to plan and carry out a perfect murder. Unfortunately for them, the homicide detective assigned to the case is a bit smarter than they thought.
For Richard, the stud (Ryan Gosling), boredom appears to be the major …

King Arthur

This movie is based on historical facts behind the Arthurian legends (or at least so its creators claim). If you are into King Arthur, Excalibur, and the Knights of the Round Table, you will probably enjoy this attempt to create a historical portrait of Arthur. According to the movie, …

Daniel Deronda

Daniel Deronda (BBC, 2002), based on a novel by George Eliot, is a treat for period drama fans, especially those with the idealistic side who love a Noble Hero. Daniel (Hugh Dancy) is a handsome young gentleman raised and educated by Sir Hugo Mallinger, a wealthy aristocrat. The society …

BlockBuster Total Access

After growing tired of paying for satellite tv and renting movies that I had to spend more time returning than I did watching, I decided to try the service. I get 3 movies at a time, unlimited rentals, free postage paid return envelopes and an easy to use …

Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At World’s End

Pirates 1 and 2 were sufficient movies, but perhaps they were riding too much on the originality factor. Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At World’s End really feels done before. With the same cast of characters, and dozens more, Pirates 3 seems like a 3 hour family reunion during …

Bicentennial Man (1999)

This movie is based on short stories by Isaac Asimov. Andrew is a robot programmed to work as a domestic servant. He is purchased by the rich Martin family. Richard, the father of the family, tells his kids to treat Andrew with respect, as if he were a human. …

Big Fat Liar

This movie attempts to teach some good lessons. One of them is, Do not lie. Jason is a habitual liar, he tells stories all the time, with and without reason. Neither his friends nor his parents believe much of what he is saying. So when Marty, a big shot …

Man Without a Face

I am reviewing the movie, Man Without a Face, which came out in 1993. It stars Mel Gibson as Justin McLeod, an outsider who lives in isolation, who has nothing but the past and the company of his dog. Nick Stahl plays the part of a young, troubled boy …

Batman Begins

I am reviewing the 2006 movie, Batman Begins, staring Christian Bale, Gary Oldman, Liam Neeson, Morgan Freeman, and Michael Caine. I for one am not a huge comic fan or anything dealing with super-heroes and what not, but I really enjoyed this movie. Christian Bale is phenomenal as …

Pirates 3: At World’s End

I am reviewing the third installment of the Pirates of the Caribbean series, called At World’s End. Okay, so the first movie was fantastic. The second movie was good. The third…terrible. What were those writers thinking? I am a huge Pirates of the Caribbean fan, but I …

Raising Arizona movie

Raising Arizona is about how an ex con and an ex cop borrow a quintuplet from the richest family in Arizona. Why you wonder they took the kid is because they can’t have any kids themselves. Well the Arizona’s own a furniture store with unpainted furniture. this movie is …


This movie was definitely one of those that I will have to watch twice to figure out where they got one over on me. I enjoyed the movie and was really happy to see Marc Blucas, the former Riley on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but the ending was …

Running Scared

It’s like a mystery/suspense/thriller type movie with the mob theme thrown in. I honestly did not expect the movie to be as great as I though it was. The first 15 minutes or so, it will look like a cheap, predictable cliche mob flick, but it gets a lot …

Stranger Than Fiction (2006)

Harold, an IRS auditor (Will Ferrell), an organized and kind-hearted fellow who does his work and minds his own business. Suddenly, he begins to hear a woman’s voice. The voice narrates his life, as if telling a story - or reading a book. It describes everything that is going …

Snakes on a Plane (2006)

Snakes on a Plane… The title pretty much sums it up: that’s what the movie is about, snakes on a plane biting and killing people. There is no point, no deeper meaning, just that. Of course, there is some basic plot, explaining how hundreds of snakes got on an …

Pirates 3

I went to see Pirates of the carribbean 3 with my 11 year old daughter. We loved it. I thought it was better than the second one Dead Man’s Chest. Johnny Depp is hilarious.I enjoyed the part where he was “hallucinating” and there were Jack Sparrows everywhere on …

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