Health Reviews

Boro Plus Antiseptic Cream

This antiseptic cream is a herbal product and most of the ingredients are nature based. I have been using it since I was a child as my mum recommended it for almost all purposes. I am …

The Body Shop Defensives Skin Hydrating Freshener

I am a very loyal buyer and fan of The Body Shop products because I really feel they create and promote some excellent products. Plus I also like their philosophy of never testing on animals and using ingredients from third world countries so that they can help them boost their …

Nexcare Extra Cushion Active Bandages

There are few things I hate as much as getting a pimple on your inner thigh. I mean it’s bad enough when you have to have it on your face, like your chin or your cheeks, or maybe even your nose, but it’s almost traditional to have it there because, …

Nicorette Quit Smoking Patches

When I first tried these patches to give up smoking I got a painful raised red rash where I had stuck them to my skin. I called the company help line and was told that I had a reaction to the adhesive used and that I should discontinue use. …

Sensodyne Pronamel Toothpaste in mint essence

I am literally addicted to Sensodyne Pronamel toothpaste. If I use any other toothpaste I am in pain all day as a result.
I have very sensitive teeth, so much so that my dentist even put a permanent desensitizing agent surrounding certain teeth. With this I still got sensitivity …

Visalus Sciences Trim Shape Program Dietary Supplements

A couple months ago I realised that I had gained a lot of weight after I was going through depression, and thus I decided to go on a strict diet and lose a certain amount of weight by a certain time. The diet worked like a charm and I …

Himalaya Herbals Anti Dandruff Oil

My friend shared this product Himalaya Herbals Anti Dandruff Oil to me when I confided to her that I recently had dandruff problems. She said she’s been using it for years and it really prevents and removes dandruffs. So convinced that I bought a 100 ml bottle of Himalaya …

Tarta Soap

I feel disappointed when I used Tarta soap. I never heard of Tarta soap but I was really left with no choice so I gave it a try. There were no other available soaps that time but only Tarta soap at the nearest sari-sari store at our area. I …

Vicks Vapor Rub

Vicks is an ointment that is used to apply on the skin to relieve the muscles. Vicks has already been a part of our family. Each of us has a small container of Vicks in our bag. It’s not that we are addicted to Vicks but Vicks is really …

Colgate 360

I only got to see the new Colgate 360 on the commercials. I thought it was an exaggeration of market now days that even toothbrushes are transformed into new forms. My thoughts changed after I got to try the Colgate 360 myself. At first I was a bit hesitant …

Botanic Choice Green Tea Summer Fruit Ambrosia

There is so much I’ve read, over the years, about all the health benefits of green tea, like how it can help with weight loss, improving the health of your heart, helping to strengthen the immune system and lots of other good stuff. It all sounds wonderful, but, …

Dr. Kaufmann IR Antibacterial Soap

I’m a creature of habit. When I shop, I like to buy the same things so I don’t have to think, and I can get it over with and get on to more important things.
When it comes to soap, I always buy the Dr. Kaufmann IR medicated and antibacterial …

Botanic Choice Valerian Root Extract

One of the things I’ve suffered from, due to menopause, is an inability to sleep and, once I do manage to sleep, stay asleep. Once I wake up, being able to return to sleep can be very difficult.
When it comes to something like helping with sleep issues, I …

Vaseline Complete Care Lotion

I had dry skin problem. And it’s starting already long time ago. I thought it will get better by it self. But I was wrong. The dry skin on my feet did not disappear by itself. My skin become worst, it was so dry.
I went to beauty salon to …

Oral-B Floss Pick with Scope Outlast flavor

I recently decided to try floss picks. I ended up getting Oral-B’s floss picks, and they have Scope Outlast (mouthwash) flavor. The picks are small peices of plastic with a small peice of floss stretched out on the end. The other end is pointed into the …

Centrum Multivitamins

Centrum is by far the most affordable and most complete multivitamin I can find in the market today. I’ve always trusted this brand. Time came when I was looking for a cheaper alternative, which I did find. Unfortunately, these other brands did not have a list of vitamins and …

Elmex & Aronal - toothpastes by the GABA-group

Elmex and Aronal are toothpastes which usually have to be bought in a set because both toothpastes have a different effect on your teeth.
Both toothpastes were developed by the GABA-group - a company from Switzerland which specialised on health and mouth care products.
The price for the toothpastes in …

Finast Clear Anti-Itch Lotion

Finast brand, which is Giant Food’s store brand name for products, Clear Anti-Itch Lotion works great to relieve pain and itching from poison ivy, poison sumac, insect bites, poison oak, and other minor skin irritations.
The Finast brand compares to the same active ingredients that are in the …

Blue Goo Super Pain Relief Gel

Blue Goo Super Pain Relief Gel is a fantastic product and I recommend it to anyone who needs speedy relief after exercise or for anyone who may be suffering from a lingering muscle injury. I often apply a little of it after an intense workout, because it dulls the …

Off! Unscented Mosquito Repellant with Aloe Vera

Insecticides are not my favorite product, unfortunately during the spring and summer months I am always looking to find a bug spray that is not only safe for all of my family, but one that works as well as the product label says it does.
Off! Unscented Mosquito Repellant with …

Dettol Anti-bacterial Skincare Hand Soap

I wear contact lens and it is very important for contact lens wearers to have very clean hand when putting on the contact lenses and removing them to prevent any infections from occurring. And when I mention “really clean”, I do mean really clean. I initially purchased Dettol Anti-bacterial …

Licenex Head Lice Treatment Shampoo

Head lice are too commonly seen in children especially with girls who frequently play under the sun. Well that is what I have so far observed based on my personal experience. When I was younger, I’d get head lice that way and my Mon would not stop till …

Clean and Clear Advantage Clearing Astringent

My son used to have big problem with acne. He probably got his type of skin from his father who also was troubled by acne during his younger days. I never really thought my son would be beset by pimple problems because he used to have very fine and …

Avalon Organic Botanicals Shampoo

I was born with not so thick hair and to date that has been my concern. I’ve actually used so many different kinds of ways and means to have it thickened but so far I’ve not really satisfied. I also have used so many hair thickening products and …

Biolink Green Papaya Whitening Bath Soap

There have so many whitening soaps that came out of the market after Block and White Brand stimulated the interest of customers to have lighter skin tone. I was one of those customers who got quite mad in searching for an effective whitening product. Well, there had been …

Neutrogena Fragrance Free Transparent Facial Bars, Original Formula

For many years, I’ve pampered my skin with using this quite pricey Neutrogena Fragrance Free Transparent Facial Bars, Original Formula. You know where did I get this idea of using this product? Well it was from the late Helen Vela, my favorite radio and TV personality. I saw her …

The Body Shop Deep Sleep Essential Oil

A natural massage does not only need firm and soothing hands but real good massage oil to perfectly deliver the purpose. Well that is what I am saying now but I would admit that I used to be just contented with any kind of oil used on my body. …

Walgreen’s Apothecary Alcohol Swabs

My son had a severe rash that we needed to make sure was kept clean and dry. We used alcohol to dry the rash out quickly. It did burn a bit when first applied for a few minutes, but the burning feeling subsided very quickly.
At first we …

Function Drinks: Light Weight (Peach Mango)

Function Drinks is a line of drinks marketed as “created by physicians” (or so says the seal on the bottle). Light Weight purports to “ignite your body’s natural metabolism.” It has 5 calories and 1 carbohydrate per serving, with two servings per bottle. It includes EGCG, the compound in …

Nivea My Silhoutte! Slimming and Reshaping Gel-Cream

I used to have a slim body, but when i got pregnant, I am set to bid goodbye to my old shape. My pre-pregnancy weight was 117 pounds and my heaviest when I was pregnant was 148 pounds. I doubted if I could still go back to …

Nivea Children’s Sun Spray

Our family loves the beach. During summer, we often go to the nearby beach for a swim. Sometimes, we stay the whole day. But most of the time, we stay for 2 days, or more especially during Holy Week. We particularly like this activity because the kids get to …

Apollo Petroleum Jelly

Apollo Petroleum Jelly is one of the things that is always present on our medicine cabinet at home because it always pays to have this handy. This is because we use this product on several skin related injuries.
When my daughter is still an infant, Apollo Petroleum Jelly had …

Rainbow Super C (Buffered Vitamin C Powder)

There are few things in life that I will go without, and one of them is my Super C vitamin powder. I first learned of the greatness of vitamin C and all its excellent uses from a doctor that had been practicing medicine for fifty years. Of course by the …

Air Optix Aqua Contact Lens

Getting contact lenses is the best decision I have ever made. I have always been wanting to try Air Optix since I first started wearing contact lens. I have heard a lot of good things about Air Optix Aqua. My first contact lens was a cheaper brand. After 6 …

Acuvue Clear Contact Lens

Getting contact lenses is the best decision that I have ever made. The first brand that I was introduced to is Acuvue Clear. It is cheaper than most contact lenses. I have seen the commercial on TV and the product seems like a wonderful product on TV. It claims …


I am a brain cancer patient and I must admit that Percocet is a miracle drug. After undergoing chemotherapy I was place on Percocet at a level of ten mg 4 times a day and it did wonders for my pain, it virtually made all of my pain disappear. …

Aquafresh toothbrush

I have been using the Aquafresh toothbrush for many months now on a daily basis. I am very happy about using it and think it does an excellent job cleaning my teeth everyday. I would love to share my experience with you.
First of all, I must note the unique …

Oral-B Cross Action Pro-Health Brush

I have always like Oral-B products ever since they first came out way back when. I particularly liked their commercials too, as they always seemed to have happily smiling people with bright white teeth. I used to see those commercials and think, wow, that must be an awesome product for …

Oral B Satin Tape

I have always trusted the Oral B brand because I use their toothbrushes and they’ve always been very good quality and they’ve pretty much kept my teeth healthy and clean. But I was very surprised when I found out that they also made floss as well. I have used floss …

Provimin Spirulina Vegetablet

Provimin Spirulina Vegetablet is a natural health food made from blue green alage by Siam Algae Company in Thailand. My father gave me three boxes of Provimin, which he got from his trip in Japan five years ago. He was telling me that Provimin is the “food for the …

Conzace capsule

I heard about Conzace softgel capsule about three years ago when I was still a nursing student. One of my patients, who had just undergone Cesarean Section, was taking it once a day as presribed by his attending physician. As a student nurse, I was required to make a …

Icy Hot Medicated Roll

Icy Hot Medicated Roll was suggested to me by my friend when I related to her about the pain in my knees. Being an overweight person, my knees always remained in pain. Although I kept applying pain relieving ointments on my knees, I still found it difficult to walk …

Aquaphor Healing ointment

A few weeks back, due to a minor car accident I suffered major cuts on my arms and wrists which slowly developed into deep wounds. Although these wounds slowly healed after applying an antiseptic cream, my real problem started now. After my wounds healed the massive scars on my …

Zhen de Shou

Zhen de Shou is a Chinese Slimming Capsule that has been famous throughout the South East Asia and starting to have a market in US.
I started using Zhen de Shou last November in order to loose weight. The product itself is not hard to find since you can just …

Althea Oral Contraceptive Pill

Althea is the first OCP (Oral Contraceptive Pill) that I took since I got married, since it’s been a mutual decision to defer having a child for the first year or so of our marriage. And after a year, I haven’t switched brands, simply because I am satisfied with …

Halifax On the Grow Fit Family Centre

We have been here a few times, and our daughter always enjoys it. It is basically a gym for young children. It says Fit Family Centre, and they do offer Fit Mom classes, but this place is for children up to the age of six.
We take our eighteen-month-old when …

Betadine (Povidone Iodine) Oral Antiseptic Solution

I had a mouth ulcer last week just behind my tongue and it really gave me a hard time eating, drinking and speaking at the same time. I flipped through every page of my drug handbook to look for a better cure. That is when I …

Chart of Back Care Exercises

I have had minor back issues for years after getting an Epidural for the birth of my daughter. Over the years those minor back issues have at times been so intense that I have been unable to walk for a couple of days or go to work. …

Cetaphil gentle skin cleanser

My baby had terrible rashes that started when he was only three weeks old. My little one would always cry and was fussy all through out the day. We had him checked by his pedia and the pedia concluded that the fussiness and the crying were brought …

Lysol Disinfectant Spray 350g

The Lysol Disinfectant Spray 350g is a product I can’t live without. I use it everyday and it’s safe even for children. I spray it on toilet seats, carpets, tables and chairs, bathroom and kitchen sinks—the list goes on.
I love the original scent of Lysol so …

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