Health Reviews

OFF Insect Repellent Lotion

We all know how dangerous mosquitoes are. They bring illnesses such as dengue and malaria, which could cause death. And like anybody else, I don’t want my family to have such illnesses just because I didn’t protect them from this harmful mosquitoes. This is why I always carry OFF …

AB Circle Pro

Like most people, I seldom believe what is presented to me in infomercials found on television. In fact, I don’t think I have ever purchased anything off of TV until recently. The AB Circle Pro is an exercise machine that has been thoroughly marketed on nearly every …

Fiber One Bars

I want to start off by saying that as long as I can remember, I’ve dealt with digestive problems. I suppose it runs in the family seeing as how other people in my family have digestive problems as well. Every doctor I’ve ever gone to has told me that …

Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula with Vitamin E Swivel Stick

I bought Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula with Vitamin E Swivel Stick because I often bought a cocoa butter stick of another brand, that I really liked, but it was not availble at the store I went to. So, Palmer’s was what I chose and I felt I couldn’t …

Alba Botanica Sun Organic Lavender Sunscreen, SPF 30

Alba Botanica Sun Organic Lavender Sunscreen is a more natural sunscreen with full spectrum UVA and UVB protection, SPF 30, against the suns rays. I chose Alba Botanica sunscreen because it is 100% vegetarian ingredients and they do not test on animals.
This is one of their …

New Morning FibreCleanse

I don’t know why but most of my family members suffer from constipation. Maybe it’s because of the food we eat - yes, we were and are a bunch of food lovers. We love everything from spicy food like tom yam and nasi lemak to roti canai …

Derma Wand

I thought wands only exist in magical world like Harry Potter’s magical word, where you can mutter a few words and wave your wand in a certain motion and you can almost achieve anything, including cursing your acne off (those who had read Harry Potter before would …

Oriyen Hi-Calcium Yoghurt Chews

Sometimes I want to snack on candies and sweets but I’m worry about the negative consequences - put on weight, cavity and how damaging it is to my health in general. I wish there’s some kind of sweet that I can happily munch on without worrying. If …

Clearasil Deep Cleansing Scrub

As I’ve stated before in a recent review, I found the bargain of a lifetime at my local 99 Cent store. I love that store, not only because of their constantly great deals on everything from gift bags to sandwich meats, but because every once in awhile, they have something …

Ricola Honey Lemon & Echinacea Cough Drops

For some reason this year and this particular summer, my throat has just gone haywire with swelling and feeling like I have been a fire-eater for the last two decades. It’s weird because when I was younger, I always had the worst allergies and was heavily prone to having Strep …

Omega Pain Killer Liniment

Way back in 1990 I remember how a Chinese guest found so much relief from Omega Pain Killer Liniment that as he arrived in our office he was bringing along a small bottle this and he kept on showing to every one around the office the bottle of …

Vaseline 100% Pure Petroleum Jelly

My cousins in London would oftentimes call me during wintertime and during the course of conversation they would talk about how they’ve covered their full face and ears and even neck of Vaseline 100% Pure Petroleum Jelly in order to avoid the drying effect of the coldest season …

Vicks Vaporub Cough Suppressant / Nasal Decongestant / Topical Analgesic

Who will every forget Vicks VapoRub? For decades now this brand has been trusted by many people from generation to generation. I remember how my late Dad would massage my body with Vicks vaporub whenever I have cough or colds or any painful feelings. As a child I …

Slim-Fast Optima Rich Chocolate Royale

I gained a few pound over the Summer so I decided to try Slim-Fast. Specifically Slim-Fast Optima in the Rich Chocolate Royale flavor. I was skeptical at first because I though, how is this small 11 fluid ounce can of Slim-Fast going to control my hunger for …

Spectrum Naturals Coconut Oil for Body Care

I first bought Spectrum Naturals Coconut Oil for body care years ago at a local health food store. I wanted to try it for my skin and hair. It just so happens that use for skin and hair is just what it says on the jar. …

Luna Cookie Chocolate Mint

I have always loved Luna bars and was happy to find out Luna was offering free samples of their new whole grain snack cookie, the Luna Cookie. I signed right up and got my sample.
The sample flavor I received was Chocolate Mint. I love chocolate and mint …

Listerine Mouthwash

For me, brushing my teeth is not enough to clean my teeth and protect it from tartar build up. So I always gargle with Listerine Mouthwash after brushing my teeth, especially in the morning after waking up, and before sleeping at night.
I had learned from my parents the importance …

Cranberries for Urinary Tract Infections

I am sure by now just about everyone has heard that cranberries help if you have a urinary tract infection, right? I just wanted to stress the fact that this does really work great, not only to cure infections but also to help prevent anyone from even getting …

Avon Soothing Anti-Druff Shampoo with Conditioner

Having dandruff is just so gross. It is not only very itchy but the flakes that fall down on the shoulders are just too embarrassing. Well, I was lately victimized by dandruff. I had my hair straightened and maybe the chemicals have reached my scalp that it triggered dandruff …

NH-X Tummy

I always thought that I can lose those extra fat on my tummy by reducing the total calorie intake, so I try to avoid eating rice, bread, noodles and pasta. I starve myself like crazy. I also go on juicing, which leaves me weak, and once I …

Holistic Esthetics

With the stressful lifestyles us KL dudes and babes are having, it is hard to find time to even breathe fresh air as we really get to go to places like park where we can see plenty of trees and plants. Everyday we travel to office, hang …

Mederma Skin Care for Scars

I have a scar between my lips and nose. It is because I was born with no skin in that area, and I needed a sugery. Thanks to the surgery I had skin trasnferred from my thigh to the area above mentioned, but the surgery also left …

Bizzy Body

I am not fat (trust me, I’m not lying). Seriously, my height is 167cm and I weigh only 48kg. However, I do have a bit of flabbines on my stomach and thighs which I really want them to get away. I always wish I can “scoop” these …

VL Skincare

I went to Japan once and one thing I observe is that, all the Japan chicks seem to have perfect, flawless skin. It was amazing to stroll along the street to discover all of them look like artists. At first I thought all of them apply make …

Mireica (r) Nutri-Peau

Us ladies are constantly seeking for a way to make our skin looks better. Me, for instance, really want the fine lines on my face to disappear (yes, I’m only 21 and I have fine lines on my skin thanks to not getting enough sleep to rush …

Kinohimitsu J’pan UV Bright

I remember when I first spotted this brand, Kinohimitsu at pharmacies, it doesn’t carry a wide range of products. It did not cater for my needs, so I never really paid attention to it. All I know about Kinohimitsu is that it is some “drink-kinda-thingy” which claims …

Zell-V Aeskulap RNA

My mother have about eight or nine sisters, which means I have many aunties. I grow up with these aunties around me, so I’m quite aware of what aunties want. Apart from wanting their husbands to pay more attention to them, wanting their kids to excel in …

Palmer’s Cocoa Butter

Once upon a time I thought only pregnant ladies have stretch marks but my friend had proved me wrong. My friend who is of my age secretly told me that she has stretch mark as well and she really wants to get rid of them. Because of …

Clearsil Daily Facial Scrub

I have always loved the Clearasil brand because they have just amazing products that really do wonders for oily and acne-prone skin. When I was younger I would only use their daily cleanser because it was the only cleanser that would take away all the oil and dirt yet still …

Halls Breezer’s Throat Drops

Honestly, I don’t know why, but this year my allergies have just gone haywire. I haven’t had bad allergies since I was about seventeen and the last time I had an asthma attack was around thirteen. I really thought I had kicked this unpleasant condition because I had suffered these …

Clearasil Oil-Free Gel Wash

It’s been a bit since I’ve used Clearasil and so I hadn’t seen what new products they’ve had out since the last time I used their products. Recently, I went to the 99 Cent store near my house and was I was browsing through the store stocking up on some …

Betadine Mouthwash

I had tonsillitis a few weeks ago and needed to visit a doctor. I would not want to go to a doctor but I needed a medical certificate since I took a day off. My doctor gave me some medicines and Betadine Mouthwash/ Gargle to kill the bacteria on …

Dentiste’ Plus White Toothpaste

I am particular with the toothpaste I used everyday. I usually want fresh mint and with a good ingredients. I’ve been looking for a toothpaste with a good fluoride ingredients to make my teeth more stronger, but of course the most important is to maintain the natural white of …

Tums Ultra 1000 Maximum Strength Antacid/Calcium Supplements

Where would I be without my beloved Tums Ultra 1000 Maximum Strength antacid/calcium supplements in the naturally and artificially assorted fruit flavors.
As soon as I get a bout of “agita” (Italian slang for upset stomach), I reach for my Tums Ultra 1000 Maximum Strength antacid/calcium supplements to put out the …

Minocycline 100 mg

Ive had acne ever since I was like 14 years old. Its been taking over life for a very long time causing me to feel insecure about how I feel and what I look like to other people.
So I decided to see a dermatologist after trying almost every possible …

Dotti’s Weight Loss Zone

If you are looking for a way to help you stay on the right track to lose weight, then you need to visit! This is an absolute must see website!
Dottie, the site owner, has been a long-time “weight watcher” and uses this website to help others that …

Weight Watchers

If you are looking for a weight loss plan to follow that will increase your success rate then you really need to give Weight Watchers a try!
This plan is totally customizable to fit each person’s individual needs! This is an important factor for people to stick to the …

Kirkland Fish Oil Softgel Capsules

My boyfriend introduced this food supplement to me so it is me and him taking this softgel capsule once per day. I started to take this weeks ago so I have been using this for almost a month now. The first remarkable thing that I have noticed about it …

Xerac AC

I went to see a dermatologist about my body acne and one of the thing he prescribe me was a spray call Xerac Ac for my back and chest acne. I have large cystic acne on my back and chest and xerac promise to help your body from perspiring …

Contractubex Scar Gel

I have a birthmark or an inborn scar on my left face that makes me feel insecure at times. Then I heard about Contractubex gel in a tube from a certain forum. I did research about it and after finding several good feedback, I bought my own from Mercury …

Cooper Vision CV Encore Sphere Soft Contact Lens

I have been using the same brand and type of soft contact lens for over 8 years, and see no reason to ever change. I first purchased Cooper Vision CV Encore Sphere Soft Contact Lens on the recommendation of my optometrist, because I had never used contact lenses before, …

Alive! Whole Food Energizer in Vcaps

Alive! Is a very catchy name for a brand of food supplement but probably you’re asking yourself what does it do, really; Alive!? I did when I started taken it 3 months ago. I bought it from a friend who recommended it because it has amazing …

Stayfree Ultra Thin Regular Pads

I usually buy Stayfree Ultra Thin Regular Pads each time it’s that time of the month so I can just go into the store really quick, grab some feminine products, and leave. I don’t like having to look through all the prdoucts to find the one I might like. …

EA Sports’ active for Wii

EA Sports’ active for Wii is a revolution in home fitness. The package comes with the actual game, the leg strap (more details later) and the resistance band. You start out by making a profile that involves body type and clothing. It offers you many choices that in my …

Nature’s Cure Body Acne treatment Spray

I began suffering from body acne ever since I was 14 years old. Going to the beach or pool and not being able to take off your top because of how bad your body acne on your back and chest was is really sad. I’ve tried everything from wash …

Tea Tree Oil

I’ve suffered from acne for about 5 years now and my face have only been clear since about a year ago from seeing a dermatologist. But since my face is under control now, I sometimes get these pesky little break out pimple looks so bad, annoying and sometimes painful. …

Icy Hot cream

I started my job in September of 2008, after a long eight year haitus of being a stay-home mother. The job can be phsyically demanding at times. I work in a shoe store, and I’m constantly up and down ladders and lifting and carrying stacks of shoes and boots …

Yoko Spa Milk Salt

The Yoko Spa Milk Salt is a spa milk salt manufactured by Siam Yoko Co., Ltd from Thailand. I’ve been using the Yoko Spa Milk Salt for more than two months and I really can say that it has a lot of promising effects which I didn’t expect. The …

CyLeina Rice Bran Soap

Rice Bran is an organic soap from Cyleina Organic. It is made out of special organic ingredients; palm oil, coconut oil, water, brown sugar, lavender oil, Geranium oil, grapefruit seed extract, rosemary oil, acapuico rice bran enzyme, palmarosa oil, maychang oil, silk powder, benzoin oil, cedar wood oil, mineral …

Black Pearl Cream Soap

Black Pearl Cream Soap is one of the soaps manufactured by CyLeina Organic. Its ingredients compose of arbutin, collagen oil, licorice and Vitamin C and E.
I only heard about CyLeina Organic Soaps from a magazine site so I decided to give it a try. When I first bought the …

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