Health Reviews

V2 Electronic Cigarette

As a smoker of 20 years I will probably not quit anytime soon, however I am all for cutting back and I had heard a lot of good things about the new E-cigarettes. Although I am not familiar with all of …

All Terrain Herbal Armor Insect Repellent Spray

Its mosquito season here the natural bug spray I like to use to help keep those darn biting insects away from me is the All Terrain Herbal Armor Insect Repellent Spray. I like this bug spray because it is DEET free and is not greasy or oily. I also …

Earth Therapeutics Fire and Ice Herbal Eyelid Compress

Sitting in front of the computer for long hours, often left my eyes feeling quite tired and uncomfortable. The fact that my eyes felt quite strained due to extended work hours, I would often experience severe headaches which almost left me paralyzed for the rest of …

Arish Anti Dandruff Solution

I have been facing the problem of dandruff right from my teenage years. The presence of dandruff not only makes me feel uncomfortable (due to constant itching), but also contributes to hair loss. Thus, using an anti dandruff product time and again has become vital to help keep my …

Eco Dent Ultimate Essential Mouth Care Rinse

I suffer from canker sores from time to time due to some of the medications I am on that causes mouth sores. One of my favorite oral rinses to use to help cleanse, treat and heal my canker sores naturally is the Eco Dent Ultimate Essential Mouth Care Rinse. …

Natures Way Valerian Root

A supplement I take nightly to help me stay asleep throughout the night is Natures Way Valerian Root. I like this supplement because it is all natural and contains one percent valerian root in it, which is an herb, used to calm down the nervous system and promote relaxation …

Lifesource Digital Pedometer

I decided it would be best with all the exercising I do to invest in a pedometer. So upon shopping for one I knew I didn’t want to spend a lot but wanted to get one that was good quality. That’s when …

The Everlast C3 100-Pound Foam Elite Heavy Bag

I went to the gym one day and decided I was getting tired of doing the same old workout everyday. I wanted to try something different and that’s when I spotted the Everlast C3 100-Pound Foam Elite Heavy Bag. I thought now …

Weslo CardioStride 2.0 Treadmill

I was looking for a cheap treadmill because I am out of shape and want to get back in shape on a small budget. The Weslo CardioStride 2.0 Treadmill seemed simple and easy enough to use and was certainly cheap enough. So …

Dr Scholl’s Soothing Foot Powder

The advent of summer months always left me feeling uncomfortable due to the problem of excessive perspiration. The immense humidity and the soaring temperatures always left me feeling wet with sweat even within a few minutes after a refreshing bath. But what really irritated me the most was …

Nutrition Now Elderberry Gummy Vitamins

With my autoimmune disease, it is extremely important to give my immune system all the support it needs to keep it strong and healthy. One of the vitamins I take every day with lunch is the Nutrition Now Elderberry Gummy Vitamins. The reason I take these vitamins daily is …

Vitafusion Energy B12 500 mcg Gummy Vitamins

I suffer from chronic fatigue due to my autoimmune disease and one of the vitamins I take daily is the Vitafusion Energy B12 500 mcg Gummy Vitamins. Taking one of these gummy vitamins daily really helps keep my energy levels up so I am not suffering from chronic fatigue …

Natures Answer American Ginseng Root Supplement

My body and mind have been under enormous stress due to my healthy and personal issues going on in my life. One of the supplements I have been taking daily to help my body and mind adapt to stress a bit better is the Natures Answer American Ginseng Root …

Marcy ME-709 Recumbent Exercise Bike

We always had an exercise bike in our basement when I was a kid and I use to use it all the time until one day it broke and we decided to replace it with the Marcy ME-709 Recumbent Exercise Bike that we paid …

ProForm Ab Glider Sport

I was looking for some sort of exercise machine that wasn’t a treadmill, one that worked the abs since that’s where all my fat is. So I went out shopping for an ab machine and decided to buy the ProForm Ab Glider Sport …

Herbs Ect ChlorOxygen Softgels

Throughout the winter I had a bad respiratory infection and had difficulty breathing which caused low oxygen levels throughout my body so I had to start taking Herbs Ect ChlorOxygen Softgels. The supplement helped increase oxygenation throughout my body and helped my body build up the red blood cells …

Herbs ETC Loviral supplement

I had a severe sinus infection and my antibiotics the doctor put me on didn’t help get rid of it, but this supplement I tried called Herbs ETC Loviral helped me tremendously. However, I had to take it for three weeks straight for the sinus infection to completely clear …

Khadi Face Freshener Mint and Cucumber

The hot humid climate during the summers often left my skin feeling sticky due to excessive perspiration. The fact that wiping my face only helped me relieved of my discomfort temporarily, this problem often left me feeling quite irritated. This is when one of my friends suggested that I …

Lotus Herbal Clay White Black Clay Skin Whitening Face Pack

During one of shopping routines last week to the supermarket nearby, I happen to see this skin care product called Lotus Herbal clay white black clay skin whitening face pack. The fact that I always loved experimenting with different skin care products that seemed to catch my fancy, together …

Aroma Magic Aloe Vera Sunscreen Gel

During the summers one of the most essential skin care product required to keep my skin in good condition is a good sunscreen. The fact that stepping out in the sun often leaves my skin feeling irritated, it becomes important for me to use a sunscreen to help my …

Equate Antiseptic Mouth Rinse

My favorite oral mouth rinse to use is usually Listerine, but I have been on a tight budget and decided to try the Equate Antiseptic Mouth Rinse from Walmart in the original flavor. The bottle I got was a liter and a half bottle, which cost me around four …

Enzymatic Therapy Pearls IC Intensive Care Probiotics

My digestive system was off due to antibiotics I was taking to help fight off an infection so I started taking Enzymatic Therapy Pearls IC Intensive Care Probiotics to help get it back on track, which it did without any uncomfortable side effects. In addition, the probiotic supplement also …

Urifemme Female Urination Funnel

As strange as it may sound, Urifemme is a atually a handy product to have on hand. I discovered this new products online and had them send me a sample.
The idea is simple, a disposable funnel for women to use in public restrooms. …

Exergen Temporal Artery Thermometer

I bought the exergen thermometer last year after reading the reviews on it. For years I wanted an ear thermometer but I read articles saying most people do no use them correctly and one of children, the one with autism would not allow me to place anything …

Natures Way Butchers Broom Root Supplements

I suffer from severe hemorrhoids and nothing seemed to help them heal until I started taking Natures Way Butchers Broom Root Supplements. These supplements helped shrink my hemorrhoids dramatically and helped improve the circulation in my body greatly. However, everyone’s body is different and needs different nutrients to help …

Carlson Fish Oil Supplements

I have severe asthma to the point I usually take my inhaler once a day, but I am sure I would be taking it more often if I did not add in the Carlson Fish Oil Supplements to my daily diet. These fish oil supplements contain omega fatty acids …

New Chapter Holy Basil Force Supplements

My body was under many physical and mental stresses due to personal circumstances in my life and my illness. One of the supplements I started taking six months ago to help cope with my stresses better and to reduce the amount of physical stress on my body was the …

Himalayan Institute Eco Neti Pot

I actually have a Neti Pot, but decided to get another one. My old one was bent out of shape as it was accidentally crushed. My old one was made out of plastic and now it can’t hold much water in it. I decided to switch brands so I …

Natures Bounty Delicious Chewable Vitamin C Tablets

My favorite vitamin C supplement to take daily to help keep the cold and flu away naturally is Natures Bounty Delicious Chewable Vitamin C Tablets with Rosehip. I like these tablets because they taste like oranges and are easy to chew and swallow down when needed.
I got these …

Source Naturals Gaba Calm

I was suffering from severe anxiety attacks and slight depression and prescription medications were only making me worse. So, my friend from the herbal path store here in my hometown recommended I try Source Naturals Gaba Calm. I have now been taking this supplement for about a week now …

Boost with High Protein

My illness sometimes keeps me from getting the nutrients I need into my body, which is why I have been drinking Boost with High Protein in the flavor of Rich Chocolate. The nutritional drink taste chocolaty good get mwith a bit of creaminess to it and it doesn’t upset …

L’Oreal Absolut Repair Hair Mask

After my temporary hair straightening treatment showed signs of fading away, I found my hair return to its original self. My hair which looked straight, soft and silky earlier, now felt so rough and frizzy, that it almost looked unhealthy. The fact that I wasn’t planning for yet another …

Jovees Apricot and Honey Peel Off Mask

The flood of various skin and hair care products available in the market today proves to be a great boon to help me keep me looking beautiful and young. The fact that I always try to use a different type of product each time I happened to buy …

Kantex Deluxe Back Support

I have been suffering from a backache for quite a few years now. The fact that my backache resurfaces at regular intervals, I am required to take special care of my back to prevent the reoccurrence of the pain. Moreover, since my work routine requires me to sit …

Macks Wax Away

If you have an ear wax buildup or just want to clean your ears out in a safe and gentle way then you should try this product. I’ve been using it for years and I absolutely love it. It comes in a small …

Stainless Steel Tongue Sweeper

I have always been a health conscious person and have tried to incorporate healthy habits in my regular routine to keep myself feeling health. Apart from physical health, I always feel that following a good oral hygiene is also important to stay healthy. Thus, I feel that brushing, flossing …

Walmart Hair Skin and Nail Vitamins

If you are trying to grow your hair longer and need a little extra help then you may want to consider buying Walmart Hair Skin and Nail Vitamins. For about $8 a bottle you get around 3 months worth …

Spring Valley Sublingual B12 Dots vitamins

Spring Valley vitamins in my opinion are a great value for your money. At $3 to $8 a bottle you really cant beat it. I use a lot of their vitamins but my favorite is the B12 sublingual dots. They come in a small …

The Body Shop Wild Rose Caring Hand Wash

I have always had a fascination for products that had the fragrance of roses. The smell of roses has always appealed to my sense and made me feel close to nature. This is why I always find myself preferring those products that have the smell of roses. The fact …

Njoy E-Cigarette Starter Kit

I purchased the Njoy, electronic cigarette after a friend told me that they sold them at wal-mart. I had been trying to quit smoking for some time without success. I decided that even if I didn’t quit, at least I could get away from the tar and other crazy …

The Diva Cup

This review is for any woman that is thinking about trying the Diva Cup. If you haven’t heard about it, the Diva Cup is a new gadget out for women to …

Earth Therapeutics Tea Tree Oil Foot Wipes

A short tour with my family and friends during the vacations proved to be quite a memorable trip that I thoroughly enjoyed to the core. But with the fun and frolic, I sometimes had to experience some difficulties chiefly associated with traveling. The fact that travelling sometimes required me …

Neon Smile Face Relax Balls

With a hectic schedule and a ton of responsibilities on my shoulder, I sometimes feel quite stressed and dejected. This condition quite often makes me feel angry and then indirectly hurting the feelings of my loved ones. Thus, to help me release stress in a positive manner, my mother …

Health from Sun Arkopharma Mygrastick

I am a person who has been suffering from migraine for the last few years. Since having migraine almost makes me paralyzed, it leaves behind no other option than taking a pain killer to help me get some relief. Since I have dreaded taking painkillers, I always try …

Neutrogena Acne Stress Control Night Cleansing Pads

My skin type can be basically categorized as combination type. Due to this skin type, I often experience acne on my forehead and have tried various products to help keep them at bay. Thus, when I happened to see this product called Neutrogena acne stress control night cleansing pads, …

Swissco Dual Surface Bath Sponge

I have always believed that keeping your skin clean was perhaps one of the best ways to help your skin stay young and beautiful. This is why I always found myself go weak on my knees whenever I happened to see a product in the market which I thought …

Freestyle Lite Blood Glucose Monitoring Meter

I was diagnosed with a hormonal imbalance about a year ago that causes me to exhibit some symptoms of insulin resistance. I believe that it is very important to be proactive about my health and I decided to purchase this machine in order to keep a check on …

Trim ( A Hypoallergenic Dietary Supplement ) From Anthony Logistics

There are lots of dietary supplements that promises to help reduce fat. These products have been advertised frequently in health magazines. I have been downbeat with these products because most are created from synthetic components and it has ill effects. Most of this fat-burning supplements also are contraindicated for those …

Pharmassure Hair, Skin, and Nail Vitamins

I have a health condition that unfortunately affects my hair growth among other things. Like many other women, I dream of having healthy long hair. I do my best to use healthy hair practices in order to keep my hair in shape, but I also realize the …

Spring Valley St. John’s Wort 300 Mg

I purchased this product about three weeks ago from Wal-Mart for less than $5. A few months ago I suffered a traumatic event that rendered me unable to function due to anxiety and depression. My doctor prescribed me three separate medications- one of which was Zoloft. …

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