Religion Reviews

Fasted Lifestyle

Christianity and the Importance of Living a Fasted Lifestyle
Do you ever notice that women in scripture never dieted, they never talked about their weight. There isn’t even a word in Hebrew for diet or weight loss. How does this pertain to living a fasted lifestyle? Let me explain what …

Malibu Hindu Temple

The Malibu temple is one of the largest and authentic hindu temple which is located near Los Angeles and nestled by the hills of Santa Monica.It has built in such a way that it resembles the temple of Tirupathi of has been situated in a very calm atmosphere …

Personal Religion

I was raised in a very confusing world of religion. My mother was raised Catholic, and my father, well I’m still unsure. My mother wished for me to grow up in the catholic religion, but because my father did not practice, I could not be baptised and welcomed into …


I have met people who were Athiest, Catholics, New Aged, Hinduist and even Satanist who have become Christians and said they have found the truth. I have never met anyone who gave their heart to Jesus and had felt his presence and then walked away and turned to another …

Islam Is The Best Religion Ever

I have studied and tried many religions. I was raised orthodox Roman Catholic. I studied Judaism, Wicca, and even Druidism. By far, Islam which means submission is the best. It does not contradict itself. The Koran is full of beautiful prose that promotes peace …

Islam means Peace

I have been doing some reading on Islam since it is very much in the focus in the media. I had no idea that the word Islam means peace! I did not realise this at all. The media portrays a very negative view of islam when in fact it …


Although I was raised as a catholic, I would say that as I have become an adult with a more defined semblance of myself and my own convictions, I would define myself as being more spiritual, than perhaps religious. I often think that while catholicism obtains a fundamental …

Wiccan religion

When it comes to the Wiccan religion there has been much controversy . Usually ridiculed by most other religions. If one does a little research on it they will find out exactly what it means to be Wiccan.
Wicca is based on the symbols, seasonal days of celebration, beliefs …

Pentecostal Mission Church

I have been attending the ‘The Pentecostal Mission Church’ for the last four speakers. The Church beautifully teaches the apostolic principles and the fundamental doctrines of Christian Church. The Church emphasizes the importance of holiness in the life of believers.
We have meetings on all the days of the week. …

All Saints English Anglican church

I have been attending this church for many months now.It is very good church with very friendly people.Th song session during every sunday service is what i like the most.Apart from this some Sundays there are good inspirational messages.
There are cell meetings every friday in this church.Powernite …


I had recently visited the ISKON(international society for krishna conciousness) temple located at about 150-200 km from kolkata(INDIA)The ISKON movement aims at enlightening people about krishna consciousness through books like bhagwat gita and when one visits the ISKON temple one feels extremely spiritual because of the atmosphere that …

Seventh Day Adventist Religion

Since I was raised a Seventh Day Adventist and I’ve noticed a lot of confusion and misinformation being passed around about the religion I would like to possibly clear some of that up.
Many people have said the Seventh Day Adventists don’t eat meat. Yes, some of us do …

Unitarian Universalism

Since nearly the beginning of the Protestant Revolution the Unitarians have been one of the most liberal of Christian groups. Their central tenet, of course, was the idea that there is only one God and a complete rejection of the Trinity as a form of polytheism.
A later development …

KalaHasti, a famous pilgrimage

I have visited the temple of Kalahasti twice. It is an ancient temple. It is one of the biggest temples of India. This temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva. Here the deity is popular as kalahasteswara. The central shrine shiva appears here in the form of long black shiva …

Seventh Day Adventist Religion Halifax Nova Scotia Canada

A couple of years ago, I attended the Seventh Day Adventist Church in Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada. I was confused about religion a the time, and a friend invited me to attend their church, which was the Seventh Day Adventist.
Seventh Day Adventism is a relatively ‘new’ religon, meaning its …

Jehovah’s Witnesses

All my life, for ome reason I have been fascinated and interested in religion. From being a young child I was asking questions and I had a chair in my bedroom set up as an altar with a candle (not lit!) and a bible on it. I don’t know …

The Alpha Course

The definition or the meaning that people give to the word ‘religion’ differs from person to person, whether they think themselves as religious or not. Some people when thinking or talking about ‘religion’ many times have in mind the gatherings that take place within the community by different groups …

Mormon Missionaries:Politely Annoying

Mormon missionaries are exceedingly proper and polite at all times, there is no denying that. Unfortunately, they do not understand when to stop, and at times the politeness turns to impoliteness, in terms of knowing when to stop it and shut up.
As you may or may not know, …

St. John United Church of Christ

I have been a member of St. John United Church of Christ for all of my life. We are a very, very fine house because we have in common:
A belief in a God that gives us life.
1 …

Genesis in the Bible and “The Walum Olum” story

In Genesis in the Bible, is the story of the creation of man and earth. Most cultures have their own creation story. Some are written in poems and others in books. Most creation stories involve a god who creates everything. Two creation stories include …

Praise Chapel Curch Westland Michigan

i go to church at praise chapel in westland michigan.we start off by singing praise and worship and then we collect the tithe and the offering.we then pray over the tithe and the offering and then we might sing a couple more songs.pastor ron schubert is a dynamic pastor …

Catholic Church

Beloved Reader, Do not be deceived by the Catholic system! Jesus Christ bring salvation to man through God’s grace and truth. There is no other mediator than the Lord Jesus Christ who sit at the right hand of the Most High God. There is no man …

Catholic Church

Since the beginning of salvation the Catholic Church has been abused, ignored, and bad mouthed! And yet we have prevailed against all attempts to put us out in the cold!
Before I go any further I want all you readers to know here and now that I don’t think the …

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